Dear Clients & Families of Midwives of Brampton & Halton Hills, As you are aware the Ontario Government chose not to renew the mask mandate for all healthcare facilities. Despite this decision the COVID-19 pandemic is not over, and this decision does not mean that prevention and control interventions for COVID-19 are no longer necessary. While hospital and ICU admissions are declining, Public Health Ontario has reported an average of 1000 new infections per day and has cautioned that “due…

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April 13, 2021

Dear Clients & Families of Midwives of Brampton & Halton Hills, As vaccines for COVID-19 become increasingly available, many of you may be wondering if it is recommended to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in pregnancy, or while breastfeeding. Due to the exclusion of pregnant and lactating populations from clinical trials, it is difficult to make evidence-based recommendations surrounding vaccination in pregnancy, and during lactation. Most pregnant people infected with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms, and recover on their…

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March 29, 2020

Clients & Families of Midwives of Brampton & Halton Hills, We want to thank all our clients for their kindness and understanding as we navigate this unique situation. Today we wanted to reach out with some reminders and to update on the situation as it impacts midwifery care. Reminders Most importantly, we wish to remind you that you should not come into the clinic if you have any signs and symptoms of illness. This is our usual policy but obviously…

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March 21, 2020

We are writing to provide you with further updates regarding our response to the current COVID 19 Pandemic. We first would like to thank all of you for being patient as we adapt to these changing circumstances. This is a trying time for everyone and we know our pregnant clients and clients with newborns are especially concerned at this time. The good news is that so far the outcomes for pregnant women and their babies are generally good. Yesterday Ontario’s…

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March 16, 2020

Dear Clients & Families of Midwives of Brampton & Halton Hills : We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know the plans we are making in order to continue to provide quality, safe care during the COVID 19 Pandemic. We have made a few changes following public health recommendations in order to ensure the health and safety of you, your families and our staff. The midwives on your team and staff will follow all employee health guidelines regarding…

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